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River Watchers Change a Flat Tire

By September 25, 2013No Comments

September 25, 2013:     11 River Watchers in the Akins crew were trying to get back to Hornsby Bend to meet some scientists who were conducting a study by the river, but instead, we got a flat tire on the van and had to change the tire on the roadside.  While we made this into a good learning experience and good team work opportunity, we missed out on visiting with the scientists and didn’t get to test water for the day.  By the roadside, we made sure to clearly explain all the steps of the process of changing the tire to everyone in the group.  The 80mph 18 wheeled trucks intimidated us a bit as we rose the van up on the jack to replace the tire.  Once the tire was replaced, we lowered the van back to the ground only to discover that the tire had 20psi but needed 80psi so we called on a friend who brought an air pump and got us on our way.  Those snacks and cold water back at the EcoHouse never tasted so fine as they did on that day.

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