April 29 & 30, 2017 | Boy’s Overnight
Eleven young men of River Watch had an overnight event. Sleepovers and camp-outs give River Watchers from different schools an opportunity to meet and interact with each other in peer-learning activities. These experiences are especially important in helping young people develop an understanding of different perspectives, as they learn to function in a multicultural environment. The students had the opportunity to tour Huston-Tillotson University in which they learned about the history, academics, and culture of the campus. The students also participated in an activity with The Dumpster Project surrounding sustainability.
The Dumpster Project, founded by Dr. Jeff Wilson (Professor Dumpster), is investigating how you can transform an empty box into a happy, healthy home — healthy for you and the environment. The project also hopes to spark interest in the way that fun and forward-thinking innovation can help address the challenges facing both current and future generations as our world becomes increasingly complex.