April 25-28, 2016 | Service Learning Project | Community First! Village
April 25, two River Watchers from Reagan High School met up with community volunteers at the Colorado River on Hornsby Bend, where they heard about the natural history and tenets of a healthy, functioning riparian area. Afterwards, they toured the work site at Community First! Village and discussed the goals and objectives of the work for the week at the Mobile Loaves and Fishes site.
April 26, two River Watchers and community volunteers learned about basic hydrology and the objectives of installing a wood revetment. Then, they began installing two instream structures, which are wood revetments to decrease unwanted erosion, trap sediments, and rebuild eroded banks.
April 27, three River Watchers from Reagan High School and community volunteers were led on a tour of the Community First! Village. While on the tour, they learned about the mission and history of Mobile Loaves and Fishes, their work to improve the lives of the homeless in Austin, the ethos of MLF, and the operations and goals of Community First! Village.
April 28, one River Watcher from Reagan High School met up with community volunteers to finish the two wood revetments at Community First! Village.